Holiday Ecommerce Content Marketing Tips

Think Mobile First Holiday 2013 Don't be fooled. Even if your mobile numbers aren't in double digits yet your e-commerce website is being influenced by mobile devices. Email is easy to curate on mobile devices. If your e-commerce website is like most then email marketing is among your most profitable (if not THE most profitable) channel. Friends who run a $100M e-com site report they are processing 25% top line sales via mobile (pads are the majority of their mobile sales), so $25M is being spent on their website via mobile. In one of my most recent "Scoops" I asked if we weren't all " app builders now ". This post shared 40 video tutorials on how to build apps. Today's post is about how to think "Mobile First" for success during Holiday 2013 by creating "Like Me" tribes supported with great mobile content marketing. Mobile Is Here Holiday 2013 is time to think like an app builder. How can your e-commerce team develop engaging, fu...