Future of Web Design Triptych

Future of Web Design Triptych

Without meaning to I created 3 Haiku Decks about the future of web design:

Future of Web Design 1: No More Boxes or Boundaries (embedded below)

Future of Web Design 2: Mobile Ubiquitous Web Changes Everything (embedded below)

Future of Web Design 3: Semantic Mobile Web Mean Brands are Context, Social is Confirmation and the only time that matters is an evolving NOW.

Here is the snippet I just wrote on GPlus explaining Future of Web Design 3:

*Future of Web Design 3: Semantic Web Is A Game* 

Didn't want to unpack today. I also had an interesting conversation with  on Thursday. So a day of productive procrastination is happening (lol).  

 Nikol reminded me of an important truth. Google doesn't index websites they index web PAGES. Subtle but important distinction to understand Web 3.0. Web 3.0 will be more WEB and less "website". Design will be a CSF (Critical Success Factor), but very different than what we think of as "web design" today.  

Instead of boxes where WE, the all knowing Oz, determine what THEY (our visitors) do, see and experience our content will float waiting for social confirmation and semantic meaning. 

Semantic web seems to confuse many. Not hard to see why. Today's web seem static and there appears to be a 1 to 1 relationship. You click and get.  

Tomorrow's web is more Google-like. Today's Google is you and I click on the same thing and we both may get very different SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). Google is tailoring our experience based on predictive analytics and the social web.  

What my friends like may be different from what yours click on and spend time with. Google will shows me what my tribe has voted on. Semantic is the new SEO. Semantic web provides an important missing element. Currently if you say something is BAD and mean that it is good Google (and other engines) can't understand the human distinction. Remember when a computer tried to beat humans at crossword it failed.  

Why did a computer fail at crossword where it crushed contestants on Jeopardy? Q&A is different than crossword and semantic context is why. Language is tricky, full of double meanings and reversals humans know and computers walk right by (for now).  

When the amount of DATA becomes big enough computers can learn anything. Anyone doubt the social data is now big enough to teach computers about the rules of human semantics? Right, I join you in that belief - semantic web is around the corner. 

Ironically it is NOT the huge amounts of data that are bringing semantic web on so fast. The ubiquitous mobile web of people and things is the rocket fuel on the bonfire of semantic web. Mobile is different. 

Mobile is more "game-like". 

We expect our smart phones to have a conversation with us even if no one is calling. We expect mobile to understand context. Nikol's eight year old was MAD after visiting a store. His expectation was he could swipe, spin and apply his context to the store. When he couldn't, when the store sat there using someone else's vision of what he should consume, he got MAD.  

Nikol's son is the future of our semantic web where the lines between digital and real lives blur and everything is a GAME or we get MAD :). 

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad

I'm In, You?

Here are helpful links so you know I'm not crazy, just in a hurry :).

Martin W. Smith, Director Marketing Atlantic BT

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