Ten Best Advertising Tips

What mistakes are you making with your online business? Are you doing the right research, the right niche search, or just throwing money at something hoping it will stick? Unless money is not an issue for you, you could be wasting alot of it! I was one of those people and I didn't have the money to waste! There is alot of info out there for the (ten best advertising tips) so it brings the question... are they really successful with it or just blowing smoke?

It seems everybody has the answer for how and where you should spend your money on affiliate marketing or your own website, when it comes to advertising! Sure Google adwords if done right can make you alot of money! Most people in the business don't know how to find (keyword richness) to keep the ppc down and page landing up. That is the number one reason why so many people who advertise online don't get enough converting traffic or any traffic at all! How costly that can be!

To help you with the endeavor of advertising here are some very helpful tips!
This can apply to anyone who is trying to market their business online or with other sources. My focus is for those of you who are looking for advertising tips to market your poduct or affiliate product online. So lets get started.

1. Using Pay Per Click Advertising.
This is a huge source of generating traffic to your online business. Important: Make sure you fully understand how to find keywords with less comeptition and lower cost per clicks especially if you are first staring out. Google Adwords is free to sign up and they have many great tools to help you better understand cost effective ways to run your campaigns.

2. SEO or Search Engine Optimization.
This is a big one because if you have the time and do this yourself you will generate all the traffic for free without spending a dime of your profits towards advertsising. The only problem with it is you have to understand how search engines work and what content makes engines like your content enough to rank on the first few pages. Some key pointers. Whenever advertising this way, always do a google search to see how many competetive pages are out there. Keep breaking down the keywords and rearrange them as such until you find less competition. A place to start would be to find searches with less than 150,000 results. I have found alot of success this way.

3. Creating Backlinks to your website or article.
Very important especially if you are trying to use SEO as your frontrunner for advertising. What are backlinks? They are websites that allow you to post comments and in most cases give you a place to attach a url or website with those comment. The more backlinks you have the more engines like google will look at your website for page ranking. You could have the best review or article or product for that matter but if you don't have backlinks connecting your website or blog or whatever, it will not show up on search engines.

4. Ezine articles.
I love Ezine because it is another free resource and google absolutely loves them. What you do with Ezine is write a unique article about whatever your product or passion is about. You cannot over sale whatever it is or Ezine will not publish it. So if it is your own website or product, you have to write it in a way that explains your produt and your knowledge of this particular subject without trying to hard sell. They will give you a resource box at the end of your article to attach a link to your sales page or affiliate page. Ezine articles make first page rankings without backlinks as long as your content is unique and the title of it is as well.

5. Article Directories.
There are a ton of these out there and that work very similar to Ezine articles and generally have the same rules for content and promoting. You can do a google search to with the words "Article Directories" and that will give you a huge selection of article sites to post your ideas, reviews, or field of knowledge. The more directories you use, the more your name and blogs, websites, review sites or business will get known. You might be saying I don't know how to write articles.
There are alot of freelancers out there that will do this for very cheap. Sometimes for just a few dollars depending on how much information you need wrote about.

As you can see from reading my blog now, blogs work as well. I love using blogger because they provide you with free tools and give you templates or configurations with colors and formats on how you want your blog to look. Blogging is also free with blogger.com. This is another situation where you need to create backlinks for your page beranked with google. What I like about blogger is you can promote, review, hardsell, whatever it is you are promoting without having to worry about coming off to strong on the product pitch. It is still always a good idea to to use a blog as review site for you affiliate poduct or website in general so the people reading it can feel like they are getting useful information. You can attach driectly your link or site in a quite a few different places on blogger as well as pictures of whatever it is you are promoting.

7.Using an Autoresponder.
Autoresponders work great if you have a large chain of email contacts. It can send out follow up emails all on its own. It is also a great way to send many different pre created emails you have designed for your website whenever somebody has purchased or has viewed your site. It is a great source for generating more traffic for you and your business. This is a geat way to let your customers know you are there after the sale and have good customer support.

8.Sqeeze pages.
These work in conjuction with your autoresponder. A sqeezepage is a good idea to have for your website, review site or any promotion for that matter. Sqeeze pages work because they require the person viewing your site to put in their name and email before connecting to your salespage. They are willingly agreeing to recieve email from you and that is a great way to send follow up letters from your autoresponder to convert those lookers to buyers. Studies show that you will get 50 percent more sales with having an autoresponder and sqeezepage connected to your site. Squeeze pages and autoresponders are easy to create and there are many helpful tools online to help you get started.

9.Review sites.
I kind of touched on this earlier, but to elaborate review pages do simply that. They review your product for the customer to get an idea of what to expect. Another nice thing about review pages is if you a reviewing another companies product as an affiliate you can let them the know the pros and cons of the product to help them with a more informed decision. You can review several products on one site with several links to give yourself a better chance of making a sale. If you type in the name of an online business for expample in a search engine, you will see alot of the titles stating the name with a review. Review sites work so when you have the time and the skills to do this it will definately help generate more income.

10. Affiliate Promoting.
If you own your own product the best way to get your name and product out there is by having other people promote your product for you. You have to pay them a big percentage when they sell it for you, but it is definately worth it. You can use companies like Clickbank.com or Paydotcom.com to sell your product. They sell thousands of digital products for companies and there are hundreds of thousands of affiliates out there looking for the next best thing to promote. If your product is unique and is something that will be needed today and next year and the year after people will be getting in line to sell your product. This above all is the best way to promote your product online.

Well when it comes to advertising tips these are about as good they get when promoting online. I think that this should get you started but if you really need somebody to walk you through step by step on how to use any of these tips I suggest you read my review of the product I am promoting. I was as green as grass when it came to learning anyting about generating money from advertising for others or for my own products for that matter. It explains in detail all of the things I mentioned above on advertising tips if you don't have the time nor resources to do the research for yourself. He covers that and much, much more so read the review below and good luck with your business!

If you are really dedicated and are willing to branch away from the norm... there is a simple solution. I won't claim that it is free but if you are already spending hundreds of dollars or maybe thousands than there is a better way to target your market. The internet has so many people running the same campaigns for similar products and it is tough for your advertising dollars to work the most efficient for you! Especially if you are new to the industry.

I have purchased this course that I am promoting and it really opened my eyes to all of the mistakes that I have been making! Having somebody who knows the business and gave me the insight and rescources to be profitable is huge. If you are lazy or just don't have the hours to put in than you definately want to look into this.

Even if your brand new and want to promote as an affiliate, he will help you find the right niches and products to sell. Alot of internet Gurus will help you with that to... but the problem is they don't effectively show you how to bring traffic to your website without speding an arm an a leg to get there. That still doesn't guarantee you will get the traffic.

If you truly want to know the (ten best advertising tips) for successful marketing! The answers are in this product. Of course I am an here to make money just like you. That is why I am promoting this product. Plus I am a member of it and speak from my own experience on how it has helped me. I can tell you this course has a 2 month money back guarantee. If you follow the steps that are outlined I can promise you, your eyes will be opened and help you break away from the competition. If you are one of those who are skeptical and have heard this a 1,000 times than you are the kind of person that will truley benefit from this invaluable information.

The man who created this product was not one of those down on his luck living paycheck to paycheck people. On the contrary he was a successful business consultant who helped many companies become more profitable. Who do you want to believe a guy who worked at Walmart and stumbled across a way of making millions online or a guy who had success already? Everybody uses that same story to get the attention of the struggling American. Trying to relate to the poor folks and I am so sick of hearing the bs. I was one of those poor folks and have bit on many good sales pictches. What caught my attention with this product is he was quite the opposite of those stories. I am not a millionaire yet but the solutions outlined in this course have actually helped me generate some income and the more income I make helps me put money back into the (ten best advertising tips) he demonstrates in this course.

The name of the course is (Myresearchriches.com). He calls it that because he has done all the research for you. The research that will show you the most effective ways to advertise outside the internet. It will show you if you are first starting out with a limited budget or no budget at all where to advertise your Free prodcuts without any advertising costs to generate the money you need for the more effective ways to advertise. The (ten best advertisng tips) doesn't even scratch at the surface of how many other ways he shows you to promote your business or somebody else's for that matter and get more return on your investment!

To be quite honest he provides alot more than ten advertising tips. I chose that as my title for this blog because of its keyword richness with google and I wanted to land on one of the first pages to generate traffic. This is another thing he covers in his course, even for the dummy like me who knew nothing about advertising or how to become an effective online marketer. And I just like you are not here just to advertise somebodies product... I am here to make a living to. I can assure you he will show you more than ten ways to advertise and more than 10 ways to make money from the web!

All I can say is if you are brand new to all of this or an expert and trying to find other creative ways to make money... look no further than this course.
He provides you with a vip membership that has unlimited tools for articles.. how to use blogs or ezine articles to generate money so you can advertise outside the internet. That is right I said outside the internet. Even if your business is online he will show you how to bring people right back to your business from sources outside the interent. Believe me this concept is one that blows any ppc campaign out there. The people in which these advertsiments are directed to are hungry for the exact infromation you are selling. Even if you want to use the internet as your main focus for business, he will show all the cost effective ways to do it and walk you through the whole way until you have a firm understanding on what you are doing!

Please give yourself a real chance at making it in this business and go to this website. Take a chance on something different because in my short time in this business I have yet to find a better way to break away from the massive amount of competition out there! I was that guy living paycheck to paycheck and thanks to him in another 3 months or sooner I won't be! Here is to your success and Good Luck my friend! Click on (myresearchriches.com) at the very bottom of this page or on the picture up above. Don't waste anymore time!


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