Why not tell your markets how they are changing your delivery of healthcare?

With 2014 close at hand, and the healthcare consumer taking even more control in their healthcare choices in the rapid evolution of healthcare from a provider-dominated, and directed industry to a consumer-driven industry, significant changes need to take place in how we market and do business.

Being responsive, outcome transparent, delivering an exceptionally consistent patient experience from first contact through post purchase, you're finding that meeting individual expectations, and needs is never easy. But as many successful healthcare companies will attest, these are no longer nice to have business requirements, but got to have requirements in order to survive.

Not everyone will be in an ACO, Patient Medical Home, Medicare or expanded Medicaid program in 2014. You will still need to compete for that individual patient at some level. Bundled payments are not going to change that. In mean really, how much different will your price be from the competition? Healthcare consumers love bundled payments because they add price certainty to the cost of care. Price too high and no one chooses you. Price too low and people will question the quality. Welcome to consumer directed healthcare.

If you are engaged in Patient Experience Management across the whole organization, then you are listening, learning, changing and adapting your business model in how you are delivering healthcare to your customers, and patients. And in doing so can deliver exceptional brand value.

Why not tell your audiences how they are changing your delivery of healthcare?

The patient who extols your virtues. The doctor who admits patient nowhere else. The staff member that provides exceptional care and service day-in and day-out. The volunteer delivering papers each day to patients for the past 30 years. The supplier, medical device manufacturer, and others who because of their innovation make it possible for you to be in the position to deliver cost efectuve quality care.

Making the mundane seem exceptional is what separates the truly successful from the also-ran. You can use these examples to frame the experience of your organization. Set the expectation that what you do is extraordinary. Prove it with outcomes. Prove it with experience. Prove it with the testimonials. It's the healthcare consumer, the patient experience, and how we portray that experience to our audiences that will differentiate you.

This marketing approach lends itself to developing measurable effective marketing campaigns. It allows you to personalize, and strengthen your brand. It's about the value to the patient and healthcare consumer that you provide for the price paid.

Michael J. Krivich, MHA, FACHE, PCM, is an internationally followed healthcare marketing blogger with over 5,000 monthly pages views read in over 52 countries worldwide on Healthcare Marketing Matters. These views are my own. He is founder of the michael J group, a Fellow, American College of Healthcare Executives and a Professional Certified Marketer, American Marketing Association. Like us on facebook at the michael J group, and connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pheed.


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