Podcast: Cancer-preneurs, Courage Cocktails & A New Cancer Research Revolution

Listen To Martin's  & Drew's Courage Cocktail Interview with Lee Anne McClymont

Martin's Ride & Cancer-preneurs

Great and fun interview today with my brother Drew and host of Courage Cocktail Lee Anne McClymont. First part of the interview is embarrassing stories from Martin's Ride To Cure Cancer (summer of 2010). Can't ride a bicycle across America and not have plenty of embarrassing stories.

Martin's Ride Highlights & Time Cods

1:43 My Cancer Journey Begins

2:35 Dr. van Deventer at UNC Lineberger agrees to treat me for Martin's Ride, bicycle ride across America.

3:35 Recovering the Martin's Ride dream after being diagnosed with leukemia.

3:50 Director of Ecommerce - love of all things Internet marketing and the web.

4:41 Making millions in e-commerce.

5:35 Cancer-preneur.

6:38 Finding power over your life again.

7:00 You are NOT your diagnosis.

8:35 Crowdfunding cancer research via CureCancerStarter.org and with Atlanticbt.com.

9:35 Call for a new Cancer Research Revolution.

11:25 Smith family in Duke Cancer Institute genetic study.

12:45 Invading Yankee horde.

14:25 Control is an illusion (end of type A Martin).

15:00 Martin's Ride Stories

16:00 Climbing Mt. Monarch (13,300 feet) & importance of a plan.

17:37 65 MPH on a bicycle.

18:25 Learning to "surf" life.

2010 Dad HELP.

21:11 California - the hardest part of the 3,300 mile bicycle ride.

22:21 Almost drowning after Mt. Baldy climb.

24:00 Stick a fork in me in the Angeles forest, I'm DONE

25:55 Achieving a lifelong goal can be depressing, leaves a hole.

Break 27 - 32:15

32:36 Cancer-preneur

33:26 Cure Cancer Starter.

34:00 Crowdfunding.

35:11 Kickstarter.

35:50 Atlantic BT, Jon, Mark.

38:35 New Cancer Research Revolution.

39:10 Cancer isn't one thing.

40:10 Cancer is a race.

41:33 Patient and donor responsibility.

43:00 Payback, pay forward.

43:18 Going "All In" to help cure cancer.

45:58 How you can help.

49:00 Dr. van Deventer & UNC Lineberger.

50:00 Disruptive vs. Incremental.

52:00 Adding to not destroying existing fund raising processes.

It was fun to share embarrassing stories from Martin's Ride, recall how instrumental my parents were (and are) and say thanks to Mark, Jon and Atlantic BT. Appreciate Lee Anne asking Drew and me to share our journey on "Courage Cocktail".

In case I haven't said it lately THANK YOU for my life to UNC's Lineberger Cancer Center and Dr. Hank van Deventer, the Duke Cancer Institute where I signed the beam that sits atop their new building and to my family and friends without whose support I'm not here writing this.



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