How do You Change Healthcare Consumers From Ignorant/Uneducated to Informed?
The discussions on 30 plus LinkedIn groups across the wide healthcare industry spectrum has been revealing to the question "Is the Healthcare Consumer Ignorant?" To summarize, there are many contributing factors, from healthcare diagnosis and treatment complexity, the inability of providers too communicate in an understandable way their process, to economic factors that cause the consumer to be disconnected. And some are just like arrogant parents who know all and see all. And I thank everyone who contributed to the discussion no matter what side you are find yourself. But it is time to move the discussion forward and start the dialogue on how to change the healthcare consumer from ignorant/uneducated to informed. The task at hand is not insurmountable. It will require innovation, creativity, change, an attitude adjustment and perseverance. Anything is possible. This means a long-term commitment that most likely is generational in nature across all healthcare industry segmen...